Bedspread This project seemed to grow on its own. What started out as a few squares sewn together turned into a monster-sized bedspread. It’s taken me years to finish this. I started it in 2016, returned to it during the covid lockdown, and finally finished it in 2021. Bunting This was a labour of love … [Read more…]

Big bold DejaLulu This was my first venture into scaling up my designs. This is an 80 x 60cm canvas. Colouring In Sheet This was my way of keeping an energetic six-year-old occupied. Dude Guitar This was a birthday present for my favourite Dude! He’s guitar crazy and could even play the notes along the … [Read more…]

Greeting Cards Humankind collage I had a fun afternoon tearing pages from old magazines. I wanted to send a message with this collage. ‘Human kind. Planet kind? How kind are you?’ Kids stuff I had fun making my own flashcards. And turning a tatty thrift store paper mache tiger head into a lion. Like many … [Read more…]

Chocolate Brownies Search no more! This is the only brownie recipe you’ll ever need! If you’ve reached this page from my YouTube channel link …Hello Youtubers! If you’ve found your way here by other means…Welcome! I was gifted this recipe by a dear friend many years ago. I loved her brownies a bit too much … [Read more…]